Move over Super Mario: The Magic Mushrooms The Most Expensive USB Drive have now sprouted into the tech sphere. The humble USB drive is quite a mundane device: you simply insert it to retrieve your files, usually without giving any thought to its appearance. However, what we see as a purely functional lump of metal …
Most of us dream of having love that will last a lifetime. The story of the Breguet No. 160, more popularly known as the “Marie Antoinette” watch serves as a symbol of love across the ages. During her lifetime, Queen of France Marie Antoinette made a point of surrounding herself with luxury. Her palace at …
Many architects spend their lives trying to create the perfect building: the designers of the Corsini succeeded. The legends of Florence tell of the princely Corsini family: from humble beginnings as wool merchants in the 13th Century, they increased in wealth and power acquiring more land and titles. In 1736, the Florentine Cardinal Neri Maria …
Although we all know that smoking is bad for our health, there’s something irresistibly cool about the sight of a man with a cigar on his lips, such as the one appearing in the mouth of Sean Connery in his very first appearance as James Bond. The Philosopher Richard Klein even went as far as …
A cup of tea is a staple drink in countless countries. In Britain, where it’s sometimes known as a “Cuppa”, nearly 60 billion cups are drunk every single year. English people even make a point of inviting others to the house for “tea”, showing how this humble beverage has become a focus of hospitality around …
1971 was an extremely politically sensitive time for Iran. The Royal Family was keen to show the world that the new era was a renaissance of Iranian Civilization, which could go toe to toe with other major players around the world. 2,500-year celebration of the Persian Empire As the 2, 500 Anniversary of the Persian …