Did you know that hair can grow as much as half an inch every month? When it comes to choosing a haircut style for women, it can be hard to choose if you don’t know what to look for. This is especially true if you don’t know what kind of hair length or style might best complement your face shape.
After all, a haircut might look good on one person and look terrible on another. For 2022 in particular, there are all sorts of new trends in the world of haircut styles for women that you can choose from. Keep reading and learn more about how to choose the best and trendiest hairstyles for you.
The Bangs and Shag Haircut

The shag haircut has been popular for several years already, but it is still one of the most sought-after women’s haircut styles in 2022. A shag haircut is among the many short haircut styles for women, although women with long hair can also try out this kind of look. More often than not, a shag haircut lands around the tops of the shoulders.
The great thing about this kind of haircut is that it gives you an effortlessly beautiful look. Because the haircut is somewhat choppy, your hair will fall into all the right places and you will hardly have to style it. This can be ideal for those with busy schedules who don’t have a lot of time to mess with their hair.
The shag haircut also gives you a casual and chill look that you can rock on any occasion. Another great thing about this haircut is that because it is choppy, it is full of volume. But the bangs give the shag haircut a whole new look and a look that is starting to define 2022.
Curtain bangs are especially popular this year among haircut styles for women, and they can go beyond shag haircuts. Curtain bangs are perfect if you want to frame your face and bring more attention to your eyes. They will give even more lift and volume to your hair due to their shorter length.
By blending curtain bangs with a shag haircut, you can end up with a very soft and sexy look. However, if you have a short forehead, you might want to avoid bangs. Bangs on short foreheads tend to make the forehead look even smaller.
On the other hand, if you have a tall forehead, bangs can do wonders to even out your face.
The One-Length Haircut

Whether you want short-style haircuts for women or styles that are longer, the one-length haircut can match and exceed your expectations. Layers have long been popular for various hairstyles, and, indeed, layers are still very popular in 2022. But if you don’t want to blend in with the crowd, the one-length haircut might be what you’re looking for.
The one-length haircut tends to be on the shorter side and often takes the form of a bob or lob, but this doesn’t have to be the case. If you want to keep your long hair, tell your hairdresser, and you should be able to pull off a great one-length haircut with long hair. But you will find that this kind of haircut on short hair can look especially sleek and sophisticated.
Of course, a one-length haircut doesn’t mean that your hair is going to be lopped off all at once. This would render your hair way too choppy and sharp. Instead, the goal is to blend your hair so that all the strands fall at the same length.
When you get a one-length haircut in the form of a bob, you will be able to conjure images of the classic French bob from years in the past. This will give you a look that few people have, so you will be able to stand out and express your style. But what if you don’t want to stand out?
A one-length haircut is very versatile, so you’ll be able to style it in any way you see fit. There’s nothing stopping you (except maybe the length of your hair) from tying up your hair into an elegant updo or braid. Parting your hair down the middle or to the side can also change your look.
Layers and Highlights

If you really want to embody the vibe that 2022 brings with it, you’ll have to embrace the beauty of layers and highlights. The great thing about this hairstyle is that everyone, regardless of age, can pull off this look. Haircut styles for older women tend to be overly conservative, but with a few layers and highlights, an older woman can look and feel much younger again.
For young women, layers and highlights can give you a completely new look. Layers can do wonders if your hair is naturally straight and lacking volume. Adding a few layers can allow your hair to fluff up and frame your face better than ever before.
Getting highlights for your hair will also give you a gorgeous new look. No matter the color of your hair, highlights can always give a boost to your look and self-confidence. Keep in mind, however, that some hair is more stubborn than others when it comes to highlights.
If you have dark hair, you may need to spend more time in the salon getting highlights compared to those with lighter hair.
Choosing The Best Haircut Style for Women
Choosing the best haircut style for women in 2022 can be hard if you don’t know what to look for, but now you know what styles are trending. From curtain bangs to highlights and beyond, there are many ways you can change up your hair and give yourself a new and modern look.
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Featured image source: Thelist.com